
Topic: Hiya
My boyfriend has forbidden to mention him on my blog. Oh dear! My boyfriend is afflicted with that disease, so prevalent amongst the shy, of thinking that everyone is obsessively interested in them. So thats it, I will not mention my boyfriend on this blog or oven so much as think about him during a post. No more exciting stories about my boyfriend and his madcap antics on this blog. I realise this will be a devastating blow to all of you who spend your lives wondering what my boyfriend is up to. To that end I will be starting a new blog called 'We need to know everything about Clairwil's boyfriend' to keep you up to date. I may also start another blog entitled ' I never took the slightest bit of notice when parents told me to do something, so you've nae chance you fucking lunatic'.
Other than that I've little to report so I'll leave you with an appeal to a reader.
I'd love this fellow, The Lost Mertonian to join my merry band of magpies but I can't find an e-mail address on his blog.
Lost, if you're reading this get in touch.
Posted by Clairwil
at 11:30 PM BST